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Our Beliefs

Learn more about what our church believes and how our leadership is structured.

What “Christian Reformed” Means to us at Bethel CRC:

We believe that God is Sovereign over everything and Jesus is Lord of all in our lives (Chronicles 29:11-12, Philippians 2:9-11). We are confident that all things are in God’s control and take comfort in that assurance.

We believe the Bible is the Spirit breathed, authoritative and infallible Word of God, and should be preached and taught in a way that reflects the covenant of grace and culminates in the work and person of Jesus Christ(Timothy 3:16, John 6:37-40, John 17:24). Our church places an emphasis on teaching the Bible through preaching, educational programs, and support for Christian schools.

We strive to reflect God’s grace and holiness in our lives and to live as a light for the Kingdom of Heaven, here on earth (Leviticus 19:2, 1 Peter 2:9). We challenge each other to accountability by gathering together regularly and confessing our sins as we participate in the sacrament of communion. We do our best to use the unique talents, gifts and resources we steward for God’s glory in our community, and also beyond through equipping, supporting and sending of various missionaries around the world.


Sacraments: Baptism & The Lord’s Supper

In the Christian Reformed church we celebrate two sacraments:  Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.


The sacrament of baptism is a sign and seal of God’s promise that we are His; that our sins washed away and we are adopted into the covenant family, united with Jesus Christ and receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit.  At Bethel CRC we believe God’s promise is for children, and as children were circumcised into the Covenant family in Israel we baptize  children of believers into the New Covenant through Christ.

We also baptize new believers into the family of believers with the same sign and seal of God’s promise.

The Lord’s Supper (Communion)

At Bethel CRC we celebrate the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper or Communion once a month (on the 3rd Sunday) throughout the year.  During the service individual pieces of bread and grape juice are passed throughout the church for professing members and visitors that are believers in good standing in their churches, to take and eat and drink the bread and the grape juice that signify the atoning sacrifice Jesus made on the cross for our sins.  We celebrate solemnly for Jesus death on the cross and with joy for the resurrection and His ascension to heaven where He lives and reigns.



Leadership Structure:

Our church governing body is a Council and an Executive. 

The Council is comprised of the Elders & Deacons and meets once monthly to ratify executive council decisions. Elders and deacons then separate and meet after full council on the same evening.

The Executive is comprised of Chair and Vice-Chair of Executive (from the elders and deacons), the Pastors, a Chair and Vice-Chair of Elders, Chair and Vice-Chair of Deacons, and the clerk. The Executive meets once monthly, two weeks before the full council meeting. 

Elders (from provide for the true preaching of the Word, instruction for faith formation for both youth and adults, regular celebration of the sacraments, and faithful counsel and discipline while keeping in confidence those matters entrusted to them. And they must promote fellowship and hospitality among believers, ensure good order in the church, and stimulate witness to all people.

Deacons (from serve by leading and equipping the church to minister to its members and the world in a rich diversity of ministries, awakening compassion, demonstrating mercy, seeking justice, and collaborating with God’s Spirit for the transformation of persons and communities. In imitation of Christ’s mercy, deacons teach us to love God, our neighbors, and the creation with acts of generous sharing, joyful hospitality, thoughtful care, and wise stewardship of all of God’s gifts. Deacons offer holistic responses that respect the dignity of all people, working to change exploitative structures and systems, equipping the church for ministries of reconciliation and peacemaking, and seeking opportunities for advocacy. To help them accomplish these tasks, deacons are to identify and develop gifts in both the church and community. By adding to all this words of encouragement and hope, deacons demonstrate in word and deed the care of the Lord himself.

The deacons and elders, together with the ministers, are responsible for the general administration of the church.

These tasks of elders and deacons call for believers who are Christ-like, who are mature in the faith, and who exercise their offices with prayer, patience, and humility.