At Bethel we believe in the importance of discipleship and bible study for all ages.
Every week during the church service all the children from pre-Kindergarten to grade 6 are dismissed prior to the sermon for Sunday School. Children are encouraged to grow their faith by learning songs and Bible stories and applying Biblical principles to daily life.
GEMS and Cadets programs for children aged 4-8 meet weekly from September to June and foster more faith development and relationships through activities and bible study.
High School age youth and new members are encouraged to study and learn the Heidelberg Catechism through classes offered at the church.
Professions of Faith is required for full membership in our church. These classes led by one of the senior pastors helps new members understand what we believe at Bethel. Upon completion, participants will be interviewed by council members and asked to publicly profess their faith.
For all couples considering getting married at Bethel we offer premarital counselling classes through our Pastors.