Pastor Cam leads us in worship. His message, ’Be Careful Little Eyes’ comes from Exodus 20:14, Matthew 5:27-32 and Heidelberg Catechism Q & A 108 & 109
Pastor Cam leads us in worship. He continues the sermon series on the Ten Commandments. This week the sermon, ‘Killing the Heart’ comes from Exodus 20:13, 2 Samuel 3:22-30 and…
Pastor Cam leads our worship service. He will continue the sermon series on the Ten Commandments focusing on commandment #5. His sermon ‘Parents & Children’ comes from Exodus 20:12, Ephesians…
Pastor Cam leads us in worship and continues the sermon series on the Ten Commandments. This week's sermon, ‘Lord of the Sabbath’ comes from Exodus 20:8-11, Matthew 12:1-14 and Heidelberg…
Pastor Cam leads us in worship and continues the sermon series on the Ten Commandments. This week the sermon, ‘What Is In A Name?’ comes from Exodus 20:7, 1 Kings…
Pastor Cam leads us in worship. He continues the sermon series on the Ten Commandments focusing on the second commandment. This week the sermon, ‘Seeing Isn’t Believing’ comes from Exodus…