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Events for March 2025

Latest Past Events

Serve 2022 – Imagine

Join Fellow Youth (Incoming Grade 9 to Grade 12)  August 7-11 at Bethel CRC in Listowel SUNDAY NIGHT KICKOFF - 7pm-9pm MONDAY- 8:15am-9pm TUESDAY- 8:15am-9pm WEDNESDAY- 8:15am-9pm THURSDAY- 8:15am-12pm Worksites, 12-8pm Fun Evening  


Cadet Camporee – Innerkip

Whispering Pines - Innerkip 806119 Oxford Rd 29, Innerkip

It will be held from August 1 to August 6, 2022, the Lord willing. The location is 806119 Oxford Road 29, Innerkip, Ontario.
Remember, set the date aside and get working on your camping badges. Also, create a Patch Design for 2022!

Vacation Bible School

Bethel CRC 345 Elizabeth St, Listowel

Do you want to attend a fun morning filled with crafts, singing, games and bible stories? You are going to want to check this out:
The registration for Listowel Vacation Bible School participants is now open! The theme this year is VICTORY. VICTORY invites children to remember who God is, what He has done, and what He promises to do! The date is July 4-8 from 9:00-11:30am at Bethel CRC. Registration will be open until June 15 and it’s for those that are ENTERING SK-Grade 6. We hope to see you there.
Sign up is on a first come, first serve basis and there are a limited number of spaces available.